The art of pairing cigars and white wine glass: an unsuspected pleasure

Usually associated with a spirit such as cognac, armagnac or rum, the pairing of a cigar with a glass of wine may seem surprising. Yet connoisseurs know that it’s entirely possible to create a harmonious pairing between these two delicacies. Wikeeps guides you through this unexpected discovery.

The fundamentals of cigar-wine pairing

The success of such a pairing lies in the parity of character between cigar and wine. Dominican cigars, lighter and less assertive, are ideal for pairing with younger wines. Havana cigars, with their powerful, complex aromas, are better suited to older, more structured wines.

Their evolution in barrel gives them roundness and finesse, as well as good persistence on the palate. Notes of roasting, cocoa and caramel resist the power of Havana. Conversely, younger, more ardent wines tend to mask the nuances of cigar smoke.


Cigar and white wine glass pairing: successful examples

A Havana is a perfect match for a Port wine. Port, a sweet, full-bodied wine, can stand up to the strength of a cigar, provided the alcohol is not too dominant. Vintage ports, rich and well-structured, are ideal for enhancing your Havana cigars.

Well-aged natural French sweet wines (such as Banyuls or Rivesaltes) also lend themselves well to this exercise.
Fabrice Sommier, Meilleur Ouvrier de France and head sommelier at Georges Blanc’s three-starred restaurant, has even created an astonishing pairing between a sweet wine, Château d’Yquem 1998, and a Behike 56 cigar.


Enjoy cigar and white wine glass pairing with Wikeeps

To make the most of this pairing between a cigar and a glass of wine, Wikeeps offers its Essentiel and Grandioso wine preservation and serving systems. These systems enable you to enjoy a bottle of wine for up to 20 days after opening. To keep wine at optimum temperature, Wikeeps has designed Wibox refrigeration systems, perfectly suited to your best bottles.


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